Thursday, 10 November 2016




Rules can be found here:

Day one

Dinah Dell
Fortune/Family: Ltw six pets to reach top of their careers

got a job in the science career

Welcome Wagon Nery Turner, Cai Chang (Epic Challenge) and Ryan Belvia (DITFT Challenge)

and walk by Neil Chalmer

and they have two bolts

trying to get the local pets interested.

Day Two

Sake the cat, got away before we could adopt

Date with  Neil Chalmers

it went well and

Neil moved in with £4,000, had to use his one command to quit his job.

Day Three

Opened Dell Computers

and hired some staff. It didn't do well at first.

baby making time

I think Dinah broke something and Neil is telling her off

Neil writes writing in my diary.

at least he can put himself to bed.

Day four

Dinah having morning sickness

but managed to have breakfast which she made

Neil fills himself up with crisps (chips or cookies)

and a baby is due

I got them a chess table to give them something else to do as they do not own a television.

Day five

Dinah wanted to go to work

and she did in her pyjamas

Neil answered the phone

and back from work

and Neil indulges in the logic table while Dinah cooks tea.

Day six

time for food

and a surprise engagement

and Neil is overwhelmed by the gesture

time for our newest resident

a baby girl called Nellie

and Neil his afraid that Nellie is going to read his diary.

Day Seven

time for Nellie to cause trouble

and into toddler hood she goes

and baby number two is on the way

and toddler skills start.

and that's the end of their week.

ISBI tally

Torch-Holders: 1
Perma-Plat Sims: 0
Shrink Visits: 0
Social Bunny Visits: 0


Rotation: Week 3
Households: 4 of 4
Playable Sims: 12
# Of Total Residents 12
Gravestones: 5

Community Lots: 5
Business Districts: 1
Universities: 0
Downtown: No

SM: 7

Population: 84

CAS Available: 2/5

University Funds: £164,500
 of Fires:  2
 of Burglaries: 0
 of Electrocutions: 1
 of Graves: 5

Black Widow's Bistro
Black Widow's Grocer Store
Black Widow's Music Store
Black Widow's Poker Club
Dell's Computer's

Npc Lots
Military lot 

Culinary 1/1
Slacker  1/1
Science 1/1
Music unlocked
Business unlocked
Military Unlocked

1 comment:

  1. ISBI! Loved it...however I failed it. Too hard to try again! Good luck with it!
