Rules are here:
Emmaline Emanuels
Fortune/Knowledge ltw Space Pirate - straight.
Is she happy to be here
Welcome Wagon
Rayna Ray (legacy)
Neil Dell (ISBI)
and in the background Ryan Belvia (DITFT)
Emmaline start cleaning while Neil without being told starts to clean up, and got a new sink for the kitchen
got a job in the music career
started on the weeds
half of them cleared
removed bathroom items to clean the floor
new expensive bathroom items.
the bedroom is finished
the weeding is finished
and time for tea.
invited a friend over
Neil Dell
and treated to an easel.
got a promotion just trimming the bushes
but later that night a burglar appeared
and Emmaline managed to get to the phone as the burglar walked past
the cop came as fast as he could
the cop and burglar got into a fight and the cop won.
we have a day off and chat to friends on the phone
and when they come by your house
more skilling
and Emmaline looks still very upset about the burglary. And the kitchen has some new items too.
we have a nice floor in the kitchen
but we burnt our food and lost a table.
Messie Messalot
taxes household: 2,000
Rotation: Week 4
Households: 6 of 6
Playable Sims: 24
# Of Total Residents 24
Gravestones: 6
Culinary unlocked
Gamer Unlocked
Military Unlocked
Music Unlocked
Business Unlocked
Athletic Unlocked
Law Enforcement 0/1
Science 1/1
Slacker 1/2
Criminal 0/1
Architecture 0/1
Community Lots: 9
Business Districts: 1
Universities: 0
Downtown: No
SM: 7 x 23 =
Population: 161
CAS Available: 4/14
University Funds: £269,500
of Fires: 3
of Burglaries: 1
of Electrocutions: 3
of Graves: 5
Black Widow's Bistro
Black Widow's Grocer Store
Black Widow's Music Store
Black Widow's Poker Club
Dell's Computer's
Black Widow's Shoppe
Ray's Roaring Scene
Npc Lots
Military lot
Athletic Lot
(not a museum yet)
Ha oh my looky at that place! Looks like it is coming along!