Harper Harlequinn
Christy Harlequinn
Harvey Harlequinn
Mork and Mindy - Cats
Monday morning and tinkering hobby guy is here
we get a new kitten
called Allegra
Allega the cat grew up (the white one)
two new kittens were born Cadbury and Diary Milk
Christy grew into an elder (no elder pic)
Harper's pet store rank 8
Cat time and jumping rope
new kitten Bonkers to pair with Diary Milk
and the back of Christa as an elder
time to take
care of the cats
Darren brought a friend home from school
and Christa and Harper play chess.
Christa skilled to the top of body
Darren Emanuels and Harvey Harlequinn date
Skipping rope
body maxed
and burnt food
Chatting to family
pillow fight
Harvey cleaning out the cats
and Harvey Opened up Harvey's book store Rank 5.
Pure Entrepreneur points
-The challenge ends with the birth of the 4th generation
-Scoring is simple: It is the net worth of the main family house plus any owned properties.
BUSINESS X 2 = 9,000
TOTAL: 28,000 X 2 = 56,000
Rotation: Week 8
Households: 11 OF 30
Playable Sims: 103
# Of Total Residents 103
Gravestones: 13
Culinary unlocked
Gamer Unlocked
Military Unlocked
Music Unlocked
Business Unlocked
Athletic Unlocked
Politics Unlocked
Science Unlocked
Law Enforcement 1/4
Slacker 3/3
Criminal 2/10
Architecture 2/3
Adventure 0/1
Education 1/4
Journalism 1/1
Dance 0/1
Medical 1/1
Intelligence 0/3
Community Lots: 29
Npc Lots: 6
Household lots:30
total lots = 65
+1 for your first community lot = 1
+1 when you reach a total of 5 community lots = 1
+1 for every additional 5 community lots = 4
+5 for adding a Downtown
+5 for each Business District = 6 x 5 = 30
+5 for each University = 5
Business Districts: 6
Universities: 1
Downtown: No
SM: 41 x 103
Population: 4223
CAS Available: 24/47
University Funds: £1,000,000 (collected)
University funds 2: 882,000
of Fires: 10
of Burglaries: 8
of Electrocutions: 4
of Graves: 13
Black Widow's Bistro
Black Widow's Grocer Store
Black Widow's Music Store
Black Widow's Poker Club
Black Widow Music club
Black widow's Shoppe
Black Widow's Bedside tables
Black Widow's Beds
Black Widow's Gym equipment
Dell's computer
Knight's Lights
Boolprop clubhouse
Grant's Graveyard
Harper's pet store
Greta's toilet Business
Terence's toys
Krystal's Dance equipment
Krystal's Kreative shop
Linda's items
Carr's Celebrations
Reminton's Race Car and Electronics
Griff's Palace
Linda's Custom Items
Libby's Boutique
Knight's Grocery store
Ezera Furniture store
Brian's Blind's
Fae Family Jewels
Harvey's Bookstore
Military Base
Sports and Recreation Centre
Romance Row
Dell's Roller Disco
Statistic might not be quite correct (as i am playing well ahead of myself and i get confused lol)
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