Dinah Dell (former torch holder)
Neil Dell
Diana Dell
Diana Dell
Larry Owens
Lawson Dell
Lucas Dell
Time for the Dell's to upgrade to a nice house
Lawson enjoys the new piano, While Diana teaches Lucas how to potty
trying to have a family meal while Vance Chang watches
and Larry sings/plays with Lucas.
Diana throws her food on the floor
Helps Lawson with his homework and Cai Chang is visiting
Neil wet himself and then looked out of the window to see if anyone saw.
i missed Lucas birthday, he is wearing an apron
time to play
Larry has sponge bath
and Neil chucks the rubbish on the floor.
Dinah swung Lucas to much and he was sick
but Diana made him to his homework
before he celebrated his birthday
Diana was a bit late to the party
but managed to have cake with Lucas Family/Grilled cheese (not written down ltw)
Dinah tries to skill
Lucas overslept and didn't go to school
Lawson has to his homework
Lucas greets his mum after she finishes work
and we have a family meal all nearly in pj's.
playing chess is a favourite in this house
Lucas sweeps the leaves
Dinah is not good, she like to be controlled
Lawson makes grilled cheese
and most of his family eat with him.
the Dell's decided to have a party
a few friends were invited over
and everybody got chatting
and when it was over, Lucas wondered what happened to the music.
Torch holder: 2
can't remember anything else
TOTAL = 14,000
Rotation: Week 9
Households: 5 OF 34
Playable Sims: 139
# Of Total Residents 139
Gravestones: 14
Culinary unlocked
Gamer Unlocked
Military Unlocked
Music Unlocked
Business Unlocked
Athletic Unlocked
Politics Unlocked
Science Unlocked
Law Enforcement 1/4
Slacker 3/3
Criminal 2/10
Architecture 2/3
Adventure 0/1
Education 1/17
Journalism 1/4
Dance 0/1
Medical 1/1
Intelligence 1/3
Community Lots: 32
Npc Lots: 6
Household lots:30
total lots = 68
+1 for your first community lot = 1
+1 when you reach a total of 5 community lots = 1
+1 for every additional 5 community lots = 5
+5 for adding a Downtown
+5 for each Business District = 6 x 5 = 30
+5 for each University = 2 X 5 = 10
Business Districts: 6
Universities: 2
Downtown: No
SM: 47 x 139
Population: 5838
CAS Available: 41/108?
University Funds 1: £1,000,000 (collected)
University funds 2: £1,000,000 (collected)
University 3: £314,000
of Fires: 19
of Burglaries: 8
of Electrocutions: 5
of Graves: 14
Black Widow's Bistro
Black Widow's Grocer Store
Black Widow's Music Store
Black Widow's Poker Club
Black Widow Music club
Black widow's Shoppe
Black Widow's Bedside tables
Black Widow's Beds
Black Widow's Gym equipment
Dell's computer
Knight's Lights
Boolprop clubhouse
Grant's Graveyard
Harper's pet store
Greta's toilet Business
Terence's toys
Krystal's Dance equipment
Krystal's Kreative shop
Linda's items
Carr's Celebrations
Reminton's Race Car and Electronics
Griff's Palace
Linda's Custom Items
Libby's Boutique
Knight's Grocery store
Ezera Furniture store
Brian's Blind's
Fae Family Jewels
Harvey's Bookstore
Bernadette's Restaurant
Swift Store
Belvia's Bakeries
Military Base
Sports and Recreation Centre
Romance Row
Dell's Roller Disco
Statistic might not be quite correct (as i am playing well ahead of myself and i get confused lol)
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