Tuesday, 6 December 2016




Cai Ching (adult)
Gretchen Chin (adult)
Geena Chang (toddler)


We don't have smark milk in this challenge (yet).

Gretchen and Cai gossip over the garden guy.

and the rest of the day we work on toddler skill Gretchen

and Cai both give it a go.



the garden is going really well

more toddler skill

and more bugs.


managed to do nearly all the toddler skills (without smart milk)

time for Geena is became

a child

and wants to help bring in some money with the lemonade stand.




and fishing

and skilling.


Cai cleans up the lemonade stand

gossips with Gretchin

Geena bring home Diane Dell

and Cai faints from overheating.


fishing at night

as it is so hot

Cai tries to enourage

Tiffany to join the family. Nope didn't happen.


another pass-out from the heat

luckily Gretchin was there to help

Geena looking through the telescope

and Geena passes out through the heat.

and their week is done.

Epic Points:

-Must have a pond and plant a garden on the lot.  (done)

-House may only be wood or stone, with a dirt, stone, or wood floor. (To simulate this, wooden BV walls are preferable. If you don't have BV, any wall that looks relatively wooden/stone like will do. No bricks. Dirt, stone or wood floors should be easy enough to understand.  Done

-Wooden windows are allowed. (i.e Windows with wooden frames/if they have a wooden recolour) (done)

-Electricity has not yet been invented, so NO lights (except candles/oil lamps) or electronics. (done)

-Toilet must be placed outside, outhouse-style (except without the “house” part…so no walls enclosing it). (done)

-No showers allowed, and the tub must be placed outside (I.E. filled with pond water). (done)

-Male founder or male spouse must enroll in Military or Adventurer careers or must provide through gardening or fishing. A female founder or female spouse must enroll in the Culinary career or provide through gardening or fishing. Either can also start a home business selling things made with the pottery wheel, sewing machine or easel. It can also sell things made of 'natural' materiels, i.e a wooden statue or a stone found from digging in the dirt. (Gretchen is in Culinary Career)

-Gen 1 Mini Challenge: NO calling for delivery service or buying a new fridge allowed until the founder or spouse reaches level 10 of his/her chosen career. Sims must eat from their own garden or from fish caught in their pond. Before their garden is providing food, they will have to survive on caught fishes, however, you are allowed to use a fridge, though you are not allowed to use the food that comes with the fridge. This is only so sims can use the fridge to get out the preparation tray. +3 points. (B.a.c.c. rules no deliveries until population is over 500)

-5 for each restriction broken
+100 points for finishing all 10 generations
+1 point per $100,000 the family has accrued
+1 point per each skill maxed per generation (by any family member) (Have to look next times i play)
Taxes; Household: £3,000
Rotation: Week 5
Households: 3 of 10
Playable Sims: 26
# Of Total Residents 26
Gravestones: 7
Culinary unlocked
Gamer Unlocked
Military Unlocked
Music Unlocked
Business Unlocked
Athletic Unlocked
Law Enforcement 0/1
Science 1/1
Slacker 1/2
Criminal 0/1 
Architecture 0/1 
Community Lots: 11
Business Districts: 1
Universities: 0
Downtown: No
SM: 7 x 26
Population: 182
CAS Available: 4/18
University Funds: £365,500
 of Fires:  3
 of Burglaries: 1
 of Electrocutions: 3
 of Graves: 7
Black Widow's Bistro
Black Widow's Grocer Store
Black Widow's Music Store
Black Widow's Poker Club
Black Widow Music club
Black widow's Shoppe
Black Widow's Bedside tables
Black Widow's Beds
Dell's computer
Military Base
Sports and Recreation Centre


  1. Ouch...lots of passing out and stomping bugs. Did anyone get flu from the bugs?

  2. I think so but id didn't last long i just make them sit and skill or sleep until it's gone.
