(Offical wacky boolproop challenge)
Rules here: http://boolprop.net/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=35
Fae Fawn
here is the one i have chosen:
-The heir/ess for each generation must go on one date via the gypsy and see it through to completion. They may do this as a teen, young adult, adult or elder. (3 Points, 1 Point for each heir/ess)
-Every heir/ess is a Grilled Cheese Sim. (3 Points, 1 Point for each heir/ess)
-For creating a vampire. (3 Points)
-The heir/ess for each generation must go on one date via the gypsy and see it through to completion. They may do this as a teen, young adult, adult or elder. (3 Points, 1 Point for each heir/ess)
-Every heir/ess is a Grilled Cheese Sim. (3 Points, 1 Point for each heir/ess)
-For creating a vampire. (3 Points)
Open for Business
-Build a robot army worthy of BoolProp. Every heir and spouse, starting with the founder and ending with the second generation heir, must have a gold talent badge in Robotics. (3 Points, 1 Point for each heir/ess couple)
-For running a business from the founding through to the end of the challenge. Business must be started by founder sometime before their death. (3 Points)
-For creating a servo. (3 Points)
-Build a robot army worthy of BoolProp. Every heir and spouse, starting with the founder and ending with the second generation heir, must have a gold talent badge in Robotics. (3 Points, 1 Point for each heir/ess couple)
-For running a business from the founding through to the end of the challenge. Business must be started by founder sometime before their death. (3 Points)
-For creating a servo. (3 Points)
-You may not have a car unless it is the junker that you fixed up yourself for the lot. (3 Points)
-Heir and Spouse must reach Level 10 in their Predestined Hobby. (3 Points, 1 Point for each heir/ess couple)
-Obtain a Genie. (3 Points)
-You may not have a car unless it is the junker that you fixed up yourself for the lot. (3 Points)
-Heir and Spouse must reach Level 10 in their Predestined Hobby. (3 Points, 1 Point for each heir/ess couple)
-Obtain a Genie. (3 Points)
and have chosen three other added min-challenges:
BoolProp Naming Scheme (10 Points)
Naming the first generation's three children names that start with B, O and O. The second generation's children would be given names that start with L, P and R. The third generation's children would be given names that start with O, P and C (for Com, of course!). If twins are born they count as one letter, tough bananas! Name them both with the letter the one child would have been assigned and then you must have another child. So if I had my first generation heir have a boy that I named Larry, then a set of twins I would name them Peter and Paula, because they only count for one letter, I would then have to have them try for another baby to get a Rachel. Additional children born/adopted whether intentionally or accidently are considered outside the naming scheme and can be named whatever you want.
Naming the first generation's three children names that start with B, O and O. The second generation's children would be given names that start with L, P and R. The third generation's children would be given names that start with O, P and C (for Com, of course!). If twins are born they count as one letter, tough bananas! Name them both with the letter the one child would have been assigned and then you must have another child. So if I had my first generation heir have a boy that I named Larry, then a set of twins I would name them Peter and Paula, because they only count for one letter, I would then have to have them try for another baby to get a Rachel. Additional children born/adopted whether intentionally or accidently are considered outside the naming scheme and can be named whatever you want.
BoolProp Clubhouse (10 Points)
[Open for Business Expansion required!] Your founding generation must open up a community lot, BoolProp Clubhouse, and run it from then until the end of the challenge. The founder must do so sometime before their death. The Clubhouse must be a venue but can include a restaurant/gift shop/beauty parlors or whatever else if you like. It must reach Level 10 by the end of the challenge. Having plenty of Simselves be in the neighborhood to come by and party is a plus! How much you charge for it, or how you furnish it or run it is up to you. You cannot just let the lot sit though. The day after you get the pop up that you got 0 Simoleons from the business you must go back to run it again.
[Open for Business Expansion required!] Your founding generation must open up a community lot, BoolProp Clubhouse, and run it from then until the end of the challenge. The founder must do so sometime before their death. The Clubhouse must be a venue but can include a restaurant/gift shop/beauty parlors or whatever else if you like. It must reach Level 10 by the end of the challenge. Having plenty of Simselves be in the neighborhood to come by and party is a plus! How much you charge for it, or how you furnish it or run it is up to you. You cannot just let the lot sit though. The day after you get the pop up that you got 0 Simoleons from the business you must go back to run it again.
Family Scrapbook (10 Points)
Every member of the family must have either their picture taken, via photo booth, camera or printed in a family album, or their portrait painted or sketched with a draft table and hung somewhere about the house. You can choose the age or do multiple ages, take group shots or individual pictures, it's up to you. Your house must contain a picture of everyone that has ever lived in the house by the end of the challenge. Also, each generation, starting with the founder, must write one novel, to keep track of the family's memories. In total four novels must be written one by the founder and one by each of the three heirs (first gen, second gen, third gen).
Every member of the family must have either their picture taken, via photo booth, camera or printed in a family album, or their portrait painted or sketched with a draft table and hung somewhere about the house. You can choose the age or do multiple ages, take group shots or individual pictures, it's up to you. Your house must contain a picture of everyone that has ever lived in the house by the end of the challenge. Also, each generation, starting with the founder, must write one novel, to keep track of the family's memories. In total four novels must be written one by the founder and one by each of the three heirs (first gen, second gen, third gen).
Fae Fawn - Pop/Fortune - Ltw Celebrity Chef
welcome wagon consists of Rayna Ray, Neil Dell and Ryan Belivia
and Max the dog who didn't stay around for long
everybody got on really well
and the red hair guy is Bruce Rauscher.
the boys played with the flamingos and the gnome went
but everybody had a great evening.
Fae got a job in the military and brought home Meadow Thayer, and there is a new gnome and Meadow knocks down one of the flamingo's
Fae also got to know Bruce Rauscher better too.
a date with Bruce at BW Bistro
and Ray Roaring club
and engagement
marriage Bruce moves in with £13,000 fortune/pop ltw business tycoon
and party time.
More flamingos added for Bruce and new gnome
we opened up the Boolprop clubhouse didn't do to well
and Fae is pregnant
flamingo's and gnomes
burnt to a crisp new ones brought and gnomes stolen again
Fae went and got one
and so did Bruce.
Bruce having a quiet moment but that won't last long
as we have another baby born in the hood
baby boy Brian.
and to celebrate with a little dancing.
and we celebrate the end of the week
with a toddler birthday.
And with mommy and daddy asleep. Brian plays.
OWBC points:
no points at the moment.
Taxes household: £2,500
business: £2,000
total: £5,000
Rotation: Week 5
Households: 8 of 10
Playable Sims: 34
# Of Total Residents 34
Gravestones: 7
Culinary unlocked
Gamer Unlocked
Military Unlocked
Music Unlocked
Business Unlocked
Athletic Unlocked
Law Enforcement 0/1
Science 1/1 (Will be 2 when Nellie Dell grows up)
Slacker 1/2
Criminal 0/2
Architecture 0/1
Adventure 0/1
Education 0/1
Community Lots: 14
Business Districts: 1
Universities: 0
Downtown: No
SM: 8 x 34
Population: 272
CAS Available: 5/20
University Funds: £414,000
of Fires: 3
of Burglaries: 2
of Electrocutions: 3
of Graves: 7
Black Widow's Bistro
Black Widow's Grocer Store
Black Widow's Music Store
Black Widow's Poker Club
Black Widow Music club
Black widow's Shoppe
Black Widow's Bedside tables
Black Widow's Beds
Dell's computer
Knight's Lights
Boolprop clubhouse
Military Base
Sports and Recreation Centre
:) :)