Fae Fawn
Bruce Fawn
We start off we baby time
and we have another boy called Oscar
we also visited Boolprop clubhouse which is rank 2.
Owen became a child
Birthday time already
for Oscar
checking Flamingo's and gnomes
and toddler skills.
Brian's birthday
Romance/Grilled Cheese straight ltw celebrity chef
the dog checking our the garden decor.
I think this gentleman lifted a gnome
Brian went on a date with Apple Blossom
and gave him his first kiss
some gnomes missing.
I like this photo i taught my children a nursery rhyme
time for Oscar to became a child
Not a great pic but i do like that all her children have different hair
whoops all the gnomes have gone.
Owen and Oscar playing
Brian went to Sue's kitchen
and won.
Bruce got overheated and Brian threw water over him.
Bruce got overheated and i sent him to lay down
and all that he has on his mind his woohoo
as you can see a very red Bruce.
-The heir/ess for each generation must go on one date via the gypsy and see it through to completion. They may do this as a teen, young adult, adult or elder. (3 Points, 1 Point for each heir/ess)-Every heir/ess is a Grilled Cheese Sim. (3 Points, 1 Point for each heir/ess)
-For creating a vampire. (3 Points) (NO POINTS YET AS THE HEIR IS OSCAR)
Open for Business
-Build a robot army worthy of BoolProp. Every heir and spouse, starting with the founder and ending with the second generation heir, must have a gold talent badge in Robotics. (3 Points, 1 Point for each heir/ess couple). (FAE HAS STARTED)-For running a business from the founding through to the end of the challenge. Business must be started by founder sometime before their death. (3 Points) 3 POINTS
-For creating a servo. (3 Points)
BoolProp Clubhouse (10 Points) rank 2
TOTAL 5,000 X 2 10,000
Rotation: Week 7
Households: 9 of 23
Playable Sims: 74
# Of Total Residents 74
Gravestones: 10
Culinary unlocked
Gamer Unlocked
Military Unlocked
Music Unlocked
Business Unlocked
Athletic Unlocked
Politics Unlocked
Law Enforcement 1/4
Science 1/3
Slacker 3/3
Criminal 2/10
Architecture 2/3
Adventure 0/1
Education 1/4
Journalism 1/1
Dance 0/1
Medical 1/1
Community Lots: 20
Npc Lots: 5
Household lot:18
total lots = 43
Business Districts: 3
Universities: 0
Downtown: No
SM: 20 x 74
Population: 1480
CAS Available: 16/39
University Funds: £1,000,000
University fund 2; 153,000
of Fires: 9
of Burglaries: 3
of Electrocutions: 4
of Graves: 10
Black Widow's Bistro
Black Widow's Grocer Store
Black Widow's Music Store
Black Widow's Poker Club
Black Widow Music club
Black widow's Shoppe
Black Widow's Bedside tables
Black Widow's Beds
Black Widow's Gym equipment
Dell's computer
Knight's Lights
Boolprop clubhouse
Grant's Graveyard
Harper's pet store
Greta's toilet Business
Terence's toys
Krystal's Dance equipment
Krystal's Kreative shop
Linda's items
Carr's Celebrations
Military Base
Sports and Recreation Centre
Romance Row
University will be opened in round 8
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