Linda Luis
Lucy Luis
Luke Luis
Linda went to her shop called Linda Items
I think we got to rank 4?
but we still have parental duties too.
more parental duties
and Griff opened up Griff's palace and got to rank 5
Lucy and Luke toddler pics
time for a birthday
as there are twins they aged up together
and mum and dad flirt while the children have their birthday.
Linda opened up Linda's custom content and got to rank 5
Lucy got some new hair
and played with her brother
and chatted to him too
while the parents had some time of their own.
A very nice day
until someone came through their door who shouldn't
he took their tv
but Griff managed to phone the police. I think the burglar lost.
It was a very quiet Saturday, the family stayed home and chilled
and chatted to each other
and we have quiet Sunday at home
Luke and Luis played together
and they all had breakfast together
and even played outside too.
and Griff and Linda had a little party of their own.
Uglacy points:
BUSINESS X 3 12,000
TOTAL = 15,000 X 2 = 30,000
Rotation: Week 7
Households: 16 of 23
Playable Sims: 81
# Of Total Residents 81
Gravestones: 12
Culinary unlocked
Gamer Unlocked
Military Unlocked
Music Unlocked
Business Unlocked
Athletic Unlocked
Politics Unlocked
Law Enforcement 1/4
Science 1/3
Slacker 3/3
Criminal 2/10
Architecture 2/3
Adventure 0/1
Education 1/4
Journalism 1/1
Dance 0/1
Medical 1/1
Intelligince 0/3
Community Lots: 23
Npc Lots: 5
Household lots:23
total lots = 51
Business Districts: 4
Universities: 0
Downtown: No
SM: 25 x 81
Population: 2025
CAS Available: 16/42
University Funds: £1,000,000 (collected)
University funds 2: 393,000
of Fires: 9
of Burglaries: 6
of Electrocutions: 4
of Graves: 12
Black Widow's Bistro
Black Widow's Grocer Store
Black Widow's Music Store
Black Widow's Poker Club
Black Widow Music club
Black widow's Shoppe
Black Widow's Bedside tables
Black Widow's Beds
Black Widow's Gym equipment
Dell's computer
Knight's Lights
Boolprop clubhouse
Grant's Graveyard
Harper's pet store
Greta's toilet Business
Terence's toys
Krystal's Dance equipment
Krystal's Kreative shop
Linda's items
Carr's Celebrations
Reminton's Race Car and Electronics
Griff's Palace
Linda's Custom Items
Military Base
Sports and Recreation Centre
Romance Row
The first University will open in round 8
Statistic might not be quite correct (as i am playing well ahead and get myself confused lol)
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